
Аутстаффинг персонала

The group of companies «Promotion» is a market leader in secondment services with over 13 years of experience in managing of different projects.

Under secondment we mean a situation when the secondment staff is selected, trained, managed, etc. by the company, which orders a secondment services, and when at the same time this secondment staff is moved out from the Customers` workforce. Moreover, this secondment staff, moved out from the workforce by the Customers, legalize labour or civil relations with Promotion, which provides a secondment services. «Promotion» provides complete staffing and accounting support of a secondment  personnel according to labour, civil, legal, tax etc. legislations and at the same time provides this secondment staff to a customer to perform functions, determined in economic or civil agreement (contract) between the Customer and the «Promotion».

Which benefits brings secondment to a customer?

1.      Secondment can reduce the direct and indirect personnel expenses,namely:

  • to reduce the direct personnel expenses of the Customer, in the same time fully meeting the the legal requirements of the country in which the service is provided. Reduction of direct expenses is possible by using a special personnel secondmentprogram by a customer.

  • to reduce the indirect personnel expenses of the Customer, including due to:

- Reduction (not increasing) the number of the Customer 's own staff in the accounting department , personnel department and the legal department which are needed to serve a secondment staff.
- Reduction of secondment personnel expenses on banking and insurance services, as well as on mobile communication by connecting the secondment personnel to discount banking and insurance rates, as well as to reduced rates for mobile communications, provided to «Promotion» by the corresponding banks, insurance companies and the leading mobile operators.
- Other (information concerning other possibilities to reduce expenses can be provided upon your request).

2.      Personnel secondment can fully delegate the legal responsibility of the Customer to the «Promotion» in its relations with the secondment employees in accordance with labour, tax, civil etc. legislations. Delegation of this responsibility from the Customer to «Promotion» allows the Customer to reduce greatly their potential expenses, including financial, transient, image-building, costs for disputes and claims settlements arising from the secondment staff relationships.

3.       Secondment improves motivation and, consequently, the efficiency of secondment employees` work due to his wish to be included to the Customers` company workforce.

4.     Secondment would greatly increase administrative convenience, including through:

  • the possibility of trouble-free prompt (at any time) discontinuation of relations with secondment employees (if between the secondment employees and «Promotion» a civil contracts were concluded);
  • no customers restrictions by type of work and categories of secondment employees (if between the secondment employees and «Promotion» a civil contracts were concluded);
  • absence of any obligation to secondment employees as provided by the Labour Code (if between the secondment employees and «Promotion» a civil contracts were concluded).

5.     Secondment(moving out the employees from the workforce) allows to increase the value of the Customer - company due to increase in one of the key indicators of activity of any company, such as the income of the company per full-time employee.

It is important to emphasize that all these advantages of secondment fully meet the requirements of the international standards.

Which secondment services provides «Promotion» to the Customer?

    1. Structural support of a secondment staff and Customer, including coordination and implementation of a strictly legislated sequence of the relationship between the Customer , «Promotion» and secondment employees.
    2. Full accounting support of the secondment employees.
    3. Full labour support of the secondment personnel , including proceeding all procedures in accordance with the labour laws (labour protection, coaching, physical examinations, employment position instruction), etc.
    4. Consulting and legal support of the Customer and secondment personnel, including prompt consultation on "hot line" telephone or personally in the matters of labour, tax, civil and banking legislation, as well as disputes and claims settlements.
    5. Financial and economic support of the secondment employees.
    6. Business trip support of the secondment personnel, including all business trips` document management, payment of a trip advance, visa support, order and delivery of tickets, hotel booking, insurance, provision and counseling of the secondment personnel concerning completing of the necessary forms, etc.
    7. Information support of the Customer regarding secondment issues.
    8. Regional support of the secondment employees, including provision of services in the field of secondment all over the world.
    9. Financial support of the secondment employees.
    10. Methodological support of the Customer and secondment employees.
    11. Customer marketing support, including market research of the financial and image-building place of the Customer amongst the main competitors in the relevant market segment, etc.
    12. Internal quality control of the secondment services, provided to the Customer.
    13. Exchange of experience between representatives of the Customer and the company «Promotion» in optimization of secondment issues solutions at the periodic meetings, unification of procedures with complementary procedures of the Customer.
    14. Personal customer relationship manager from «Promotion», which will be responsible for the organization of interaction and performance of Applications and Customer requirements for the high quality effective cooperation.
    15. Provision of information to the Customer about changes in the legislation of the country in which the secondment services are provided.

All above mentioned services should be provided by «Promotion» to the Customer under the terms and conditions of operational excellence (which includes combination of responsibilities and depth of knowledge of «Promotion» in the field of secondment), reliability, flexibility and responsiveness to every Customers` inquiry and customer-oriented approach (including affability in communication, willingness to assist in any issues) in the field of secondment.